One of the most heart-wrenching things that takes place on a daily basis is cruelty to animals that are defenseless. There are many such cases–some not so pretty, others plain ugly. Race dog owners, for
instance, hardly treat the dogs humanely as they race them to death; they see animals merely as money-generating objects to utilize for their profit. For individuals who love animals, the sight of such animal abuse can drive them mad. Fortunately, many animal rescue centers are striving their best to deal with this inhumane behavior.
Cruelty All around
Cruelty takes place all around us. There is a large number of animal factories or puppy mills, and countless individuals are involved in this business for money. The lesser known fact is that many of those people actually care very little about animals. Cruelty to animals comes in different forms; it doesn’t always suggest physical abuse, but can also mean when animal owners don’t feed animals properly or ignore their other basic needs. In other words, deliberate injury and mental torment are both considered cruelty to animals. The best way to fight animal abuse is to report such cases to rescue groups.
Role of Animal Adoption Groups
During the past few years, many animal adoption groups have emerged, and they play an important role in facilitating the adoptions of pet animals. Some of those groups limit their service to particular breeds, while others take animals regardless of species. Pet adoption programs are designed to help find homes for mistreated, strayed, misplaced and unwanted animals. Because of the faithful work of the nonprofit organizations, their staff and volunteers, tens of thousands of animal lives are saved every year.
Role of Individuals
There are places where, due to the lack of relevant laws, cruelty to animals is quite common. Only through proper education can people learn about cruelty and stop it from happening. Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of some animal rescue groups, the situations are better than they could be. These groups are setting an example for individuals to play a role and help reduce cases of cruelty to animals. It is high time that every individual stepped forward with eyes and ears open. Reducing animal cruelty can be hard when animal shelters or humane societies have to fight on their own, but with
the help of local residents who take the initiative and report cruelty around, animals in neighborhood can be protected better.
Whether we act as individuals or organizations, there’s always something we can do to keep animals from getting mistreated. And one day, we may finally succeed in putting an end to this misery.
Picture sources:
Race dogs:
Kitten: International Animal Relief